
The maintenance of your garden house

Your garden house is permanently being subjected to all kinds of – at times extreme – weather conditions. Rain, wind, UV rays, high and low temperatures. All of this ages the wood. Yvan Christiaens has a wide range of maintenance products that lengthen the life of your garden house, carport or pool house.

1. Premium coloured stains for the treatment of a pine garden house.


Impregnation and protection of pine by one simple treatment: only 1 product needed!

  • Precautionary effective against mould.
  • Protection against rot, woodworm and algae.
  • Easily applicable.
  • Chip-resistant.
  • Waterproof, breathable and moisturising.
  • Semi-gloss.
  • Technical features: click here

Our premium coloured stains are a water-based multilayer system that offers protection against moulds; they lengthen the life of your garden house. A pine garden house must be treated immediately after construction. After the treatment the wood texture will still be visible and noticeable. We recommend to repeat this procedure every 2 years.

Available in various colours.







Pale Oak

Pale Oak





Cosy Grey

Cosy Grey

Salt Green

Salt Green

Colour stain Pro Cosy Grey is ideal to be used on a autoclave wooden garden house.

  1. Autoclave wooden garden house, 3 years after installation.

Garden House, autoclave wooden garden house, 3 years after installation.

  1. Autoclave wooden garden house, after 3 years treated with Woodcleaner Nano Coating Pro.

Autoclave wooden garden house after 3 years, treated with  Woodcleaner Nano Coating Pro

  1. Autoclave wooden garden house immediately afterwards treated with Colour Stain Pro Cosy Grey..

Autoclave wooden garden house immediately afterwards treated with Colour Stain Pro Cosy Grey.


2. Nano Coating Pro to treat a garden house in oak, iroko, cedar and thermo wood.


2.1 Nano Coating Pro Woodcleaner, a wood cleaner for garden wood.
Nano Coating Pro
Woodcleaner is a water-soluble cleaning solution especially developed for wood. When untreated wood is subjected to all weather conditions, it becomes dirty and more sensitive to the formation of moss or mould, unequal ageing, etc.

Ceder Woodcleaner - VoorCeder Woodcleaner - Na

Nano Coating Pro Woodcleaner guarantees in-depth cleaning of weathered wood, and removes mould and algae*. It thoroughly removes all dirt, and restores the wood’s original look and natural beauty. Nano Coating Pro Woodcleaner is used to prepare the wood for the surface treatment with Nano Coating Pro Woodprotector. (*in case of intense formation of algae or moss, the wood must be treated with a moss remover or fungicide)


  • Nano Coating Pro Woodcleaner is easy, quick and effective. Contrary to high pressure cleaning, Nano Coating Pro is streak-free and does not damage wood fibres.
  • Free of oxalic acid and chloride!
  • Harmless to plants!

2.2 Nano Coating Pro Woodprotector, impregnating agent for untreated wood.
Nano Coating Pro Woodprotector
is a water and oil repellent maintenance and protection product for garden houses in thermo wood, iroko and cedar. Nano Coating Pro Woodprotector penetrates the wood surface and forms a durable and protective coating, without opening the wood fibres. Easier to clean and maintain the wood. Thanks to Nano Coating Pro Woodprotector the formation moss and algae is made more difficult.


  • Transparent and slightly foaming liquid
  • High penetration capacity thanks to nanotechnology and solvent
  • Chemical and physical bonding with the wood
  • Surface remains unchanged
  • Water and oil repellent
  • Protects against acid rain and pollution
  • Hampers adhesion of algae, moss and mould
  • Contains antibacterial and UV-blocking additives
  • 100% breathable
  • Does not open the wood fibres
  • Free of silicones, wax and oil
  • For all wood types
  • Does not stain other materials


  • Provides higher resistance against dirt, water and oil
  • Easily and quickly applicable
  • For an easy cleaning and maintenance of wood
  • Does not stain other materials


  • Hardwood, oil-rich woods and thermo wood

Is your garden house ready for winter?

Winter is coming! Time to move all your outdoor furniture, garden tools and barbecue to the garden house. To make sure all of it is in a good condition after winter, we recommend to give your garden house a proper maintenance before the typical winter conditions really set in.

1. Remove moss from roof and gutters

The growth of moss on roofs and gutters is not abnormal. Nevertheless, removing it has both an aesthetic as a functional value. Rainwater no longer remains on the roof and in the gutters, so internal moisture has no chance. A simple and quick job that only requires a brush, and a mixture of water and bleach. Remove dead leaves and twigs from gutters to avoid obstructed drains. Your roof will look brand new.

Ontmos het dak en de dakgotenOntmos het dak en de dakgoten

2. Check the roof sealing (EPDM roofing)

Water can enter your garden house through loose seams and poor roof sealing. To avoid problems, check your roof on the presence of cracks or other irregularities. Loose seams or cracks can be repaired with rubber tape. Bubbles must be cut open and repaired with rubber paste. Said repairing products can be purchased at DIY shops. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can get help from a professional.

Controleer de dakafdichting bij EPDM-daken

3. Lubricate lock and hinges

In general, garden house doors have three hinges. Use oil to lubricate the hinges as well as the rail of the sliding door, if any. Use a silicon spray to lubricate the lock bearings and the key itself. Next, turn the key to open and close the lock a couple of times to ensure a smooth performance.

Behandel het slot en de scharnieren met smeermiddelBehandel het slot en de scharnieren met smeermiddelBehandel het slot en de scharnieren met smeermiddel

4. Apply stain to the wood

Recently installed garden houses must be treated inside and outside with coloured oil or stain for outdoor use. Never paint nor varnish the wood because it stops it from breathing and results in moisture accumulation. Apply a new layer of oil or stain only on the outside of older garden houses. Try to repeat this procedure every two years to fully protect your garden house against moisture.

Behandel het hout met beitsBehandel het hout met beits

5. Proper venting

Good venting during winter times results in less condensation. Remember to regularly open the windows (tilt position or similar) or install an extra ventilation grid.

Goed verluchtenGoed verluchten

Lengthen the life of your garden house or carport. Order your maintenance products online.

Order here your coloured stains and woodcleaner.