
Delivery term of your order

Would you like to receive information on the delivery term of you order? Please complete the form below and upload a picture of your order form. We will send you an indicative delivery date by email or we will give you a call. Because these are busy times, we will not be able to reply to your email within 24 hours.
Please also consider longer delivery terms, due to COVID-19 and the associated quarantine for both employees of our company and suppliers of raw materials. That is why your request will take us a bit longer, and why the delivery term of your garden house or carport will be longer than initially communicated. Thank you for your understanding.

Please accurately complete all mandatory fields (marked with *). If not, this form will not be sent.

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Attention: only jpg or pdf are accepted [2 MB], if not this form will not be sent!
After having pressed ‘Send’, you will get a message to thank you, as well as a confirmation mail.
If you don’t get the thank you message or don’t get this e-mail (also check your Spam folder), an error must have occurred and the form will not be sent. Then verify all mandatory fields and do not forget to upload the mandatory pictures of your gardenhouse.

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